KDL Course Offerings

Fall 2024/Spring 2025

Questions about weekly teachings/practice? Write to: namaste@khachoddechenling.org

The No-Phone Hourimagine that! Take a break from screen insanity (say bye to FOMO) and make friends with yourself profoundly. Learn how to meditate. Meditation is a way of being— alert, relaxed, and in tune with how things really are. We “sit” to quiet the mind and come home to our basic goodness. Nothing could be more useful and compassionate in these hyperbolic times.

Meditation instruction and practice is interlaced with written commentary by renowned Tibetan Buddhist masters.

Zoom into Dharma. Loneliness and the anguish it brings skyrocketed during the pandemic. This course uses wisdom tools to deal with the wrenching of our social norms and offers a fresh perspective on loneliness, one that’s upbeat and practical.

Weekly sessions include meditation and readings from Magic Dance by Thinley Norbu.

Extraordinary Ordinariness. How can we unlock the treasure of contentment in daily life? Our dualistic fixation on “self” and “other” breeds attachment and aversion, guaranteeing dissatisfaction. So let’s examine the belief in a truly existing self, and go beyond it to the liberating secret jewel of mind: pristine awareness.

Teachings on impermanence, bodhicitta, guru yoga, and the nature of mind. Main text: Words of My Perfect Teacher by Patrul Rinpoche.

Way of sitting for centuries (without blinking).

Classes led by N. L. Drolma

Zoom into Dharma
Start date: ~ Sept. 22, 2024
Sundays @ 11:30am - 1pm ET

The No-Phone Hour Start date: ~ Sept. 19, 2024
Thursdays @ 7:00pm-8:30pm ET


Morning Meditation Start date: - Sept. 17, 2024 Wednesdays @ 11:00 am - noon ET

The dharma is priceless, not a commodity for sale. Offerings are a Buddhist tradition, so we ask that you kindly contribute whatever your means allow in support of the teachings and sacred space here at Khachod Dechen Ling. No one is turned away for lack of funds.