Mahaguru Portraits

Om Pemo Yogini Jnana Varahi Hung*

 *Homage to the Wisdom Dakini

Mahaguru Portraits - PART I

HH Chatral Sangye Dorje Rinpoche. Drawing by N. L. Drolma (colored pencil)

Milarepa. Drawing by N. L. Drolma (watercolor and pencil, 18” x 24”)

Milarepa. Drawing by N. L. Drolma (watercolor and pencil, 18” x 24”)

“The awakened state is your own awareness that is naturally awake.”

— Guru Rinpoche

Seymo Saraswati Rinpoche,Orgyen Tsomo. Drawing by N. L. Drolma (watercolor, conté crayon, pencil, 18”x 24”)

Selected Works (1992-2021)

by N. L. Drolma

Drawings and photographs of Tibetan Buddhist masters

May these pages herald auspiciousness for anyone new to spiritual inquiry or wishing to boost their practice, and to all who are scrolling this site out of love for the dharma and gratitude for their teacher’s boundless compassion.

Mayumla Pema Khandro, Pharping, Nepal, 1997 (Photo by N. L. Drolma)

Mayumla Pema Khandro, Pharping, Nepal, 1997 (Photo by N. L. Drolma)

Seymo Pema Yudron, Swayambunath, Nepal 1997  (Photo by N. L. Drolma)

Seymo Pema Yudron, Swayambunath, Nepal 1997 (Photo by N. L. Drolma)

Jetsun Muntso Rinpoche,  Lerab Ling, France  1993 (Photo by N. L. Drolma)

Jetsun Muntso Rinpoche, Lerab Ling, France 1993 (Photo by N. L. Drolma)

“Meditation is the savoring of uncontrived simplicity.”

— Yeshe Tsogyal

Guru Yoga, or merging one’s mind with the wisdom mind of the lama, is a profound practice of devotion that inspired me to draw my first portraits of the masters (back in the 90s). I also used drawing as an “excuse” for skipping formal meditation sessions; try not to do as I did.

Several of the precious teachers featured in these portfolio pages also appear in blogged excerpts from Beyond Meeting or Parting, the memoir I wrote at the request of Kyabje Bhakha Tulku Rinpoche who’s been teasing me (to good effect) for 20+ years. The blog highlights tales of travel, retreat, and provocative encounters with Tibetan lamas of blunt wit. If you’ve landed here, you are my niche audience of spunky adventurers. Welcome.

Om Pemo Yogini Jnana Varahi Hung!

H. E. Minling Jetsun Khandro Rinpoche. Drawing by N. L. Drolma (watercolor, conté crayon, and pencil, 18” x 24”)

H. E. Minling Jetsun Khandro Rinpoche. Drawing by N. L. Drolma (watercolor, conté crayon, pencil, 18” x 24”)

Mahaguru Portraits - Part 2

The Maha Guru Portraits displayed in these pages (excluding those of Yeshé Tsogyal and HH Chatral Rinpoche) were rendered on Arches 100% cotton rag 140 lb cold press paper.